Advocacy by Consensus and Knowledge
ISHN is primarily a network of networks and partner organizations. Consequently our advocacy activities are almost always based on consensus building activities such as joint statements, workshop reports and knowledge development activities that include discussions of policy alternatives and program directions. Here are some of our current activities:
ISHN is primarily a network of networks and partner organizations. Consequently our advocacy activities are almost always based on consensus building activities such as joint statements, workshop reports and knowledge development activities that include discussions of policy alternatives and program directions. Here are some of our current activities:
- Encouraging and facilitating input into the World Health Organization (WHO) Shanghai statement on Health Promotion
As part of its ninth conference of member states on health promotion, WHO has invited feedback from individuals and organizations about the renewed approach to health promotion as a means of achieving the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Those interested in providing input to WHO should do so by email to [email protected] by October 15, 2016. ISHN has developed a brief summary message (one paragraph) and three supporting factual statements suitable for endorsement or adaptation by other organizations concerned with school-based and school-linked health promotion and social development. In preparing this practical and constructive input into the WHO process, ISHN sought the involvement of members of the FRESH Partnership, a global committee of UN agencies, donors and global organizations. As well, ISHN encouraged a similar focus on settings as part of a broader discussion among experts and organizations concerned with hospitals, workplaces, sports clubs, schools, cities and other settings. If you or your organization can endorse this summary and statements, please do so by sending an email to WHO and providing a copy to [email protected] - Initiating a Global Working Group on Health Literacy/Life Skills/Social Inclusion
ISHN is working with other members of the FRESH Partnership, a global committee of UN agencies, donors and global organizations, to develop knowledge and policy/program alternatives on how three inter-related bodies of knowledge, skills and beliefs can be taught effectively within the core curricula of schools in low-resource, high-resource and conflict/disaster affected countries. A series of web meetings and webinars, fact-finding investigations and other activities will begin in October 2016 and conclude in December 2017. If you or your organization would like to participate, contact [email protected] - Global Dialogue on Integrating Health & Social Programs Within the Core Mandates, Concerns and Constraints of Education Systems
ISHN has been working with the global organizations representing teachers (Education International) and school district/education ministry officials (ASCD) to facilitate a global dialogue on how to better integrate health and social programs within education systems. We have organized regional workshops and cross-sectorial networks in Asia, North America , European , Latin America and a Global symposium that brought together over 40 organizations and individuals. If you would like to participate, review the topics identified and being discussed by the IntEd International Discussion Group and sign on to the Consensus Statement. The next steps include the development of a White Paper identifying examples of realistic, incremental but significant policy/program alternatives and directions. - Global Delphi and Online Consultation: What We Know and Need to Know in School Health & Development
The International School Health Network and its partners are pleased to launch a global Delphi-based consultation that will collate, summarize, discuss and finalize an extensive list of statements describing "what we know and need to know" in several facets of school-based and school-linked human development. The goal for this consultation is to prepare a cross-sectorial synthesis of the knowledge that has accumulated from research, professional practice/experience, reports and various survey/administrative data sources. Subsequent to this initial web meeting, the Delphi Consultation documents will be posted online for comments and editing. Over 150 leading experts, practitioner organizations, government officials, student leaders and parents will be invited to approve, amend, or reject almost 500 factual or summary statements as well as begin discussions about a shared, global research/knowledge development agenda or agendas. The final statements will serve as a milestone in the development of health and social programs that work with schools and be forwarded to policy-makers, systems managers and research funding agencies. It is also expected that this consultation lead to the development of several thematic research agendas through a global SH&D Research Consortium, an e-book summarizing the results and discussions, journal articles and other publications. Read more>>